Today my blog will be short and sweet as well as provide a glimpse into what kind of music I like, but more than that, what kind of musician I admire.
I just watched Katy Perry's newest video. It's an interesting story and near it's end I had the notion that it didn't seem too long ago when she was doing 'Ur So Gay' and now, in this one, we see what the machine that is 'the industry' can do to a songwriter's perspective. It takes her inner child to rescue her, if but for a moment...but that's only one man's perspective on it...
I remember a video, (which has long been pulled from the net, no doubt), in which she is in the back of a limo with what appears to be one of her friends and her manager when the manager announces to her that she's about to go on tour for the first time. You can see in her eyes the look of, 'what, me? Are you serious? All this is happening so fast!'. It was very cool to witness and with each of her new songs/videos we get a glimpse of the process she's be living.
I'm not ashamed to say I'm a fan of Katy Perry and Katy, (like she'll actually read this), thanks for staying grounded.
So I read the WHOLE THING here, and it's Cool alright! So I shall read thee, here and there...Mines so you can join mine and read my lyrics and stories and stuff...there are 314 of them, so it's a bit of a read. sorry, but not by much!!!!! loves ya! Kat
Posted by: Katheamann | 07/31/2012 at 02:45 PM